Something that you can count on is that at some point you will have a problem with your internet service provider. The level of the problem can vary from something small and annoying, to a consistent problem. If you have taken up one of the BT offe
Pay as you go broadband lets you pay for your broadband usage as you need it, rather than paying a set fee each month that may cover a larger allowance than you actually use. For people who need a broadband access but who dont want to pay for more
Getting a great deal is not just all about getting the cheapest package on offer. Sometimes the saying ‘You get what you pay for really does ring true as a bargain broadband deal really might not be the one for you. The best way to avoid a costl
When you look into why you buy there are certain points that you have to consider. These points have been determined as the ones that most impact your purchasing decisions. You should consider what these points are and how they impact what you are
Broadband connections are not actually truly wireless unless they are through mobile broadband. To get wireless broadband connections you will need to have a wireless router through your fixed broadband. Your broadband connection enters your home t
If you are looking for the best broadband deals it is recommended that you use a speed checker. A broadband checker will not only help you find the deals you need but also help you compare them. The results that you get from the checker will vary d
Once you’ve gotten a broadband connection for your home, you will want to give access to all your computers and other devices. You do that by setting up a home network. Each device within this network will then be able to access the internet using a
Over 75% of the population have fixed line broadband, and considering the demographics of the country this is an impressive rate. It is though surprising how few of us actually understand how broadband works, what its limitations are, and what the o
Some households go online to communicate with friends by email or social media or to do some light browsing of webpages when there is something specific they need to find out. Others spend hours browsing through various retailers sites, streaming
Many people look to change their broadband packages. There are many reasons for why you may want to do this. Of course it is best to first consider whether you should change your provider before you actually switch. Your existing ISP may be able t
The speed of the broadband connection is seen as one of the top three criteria when choosing a broadband package. Of course the speed advertised when you buy the package is often not what you will actually be getting. There are three main types of
Its the end of the day, and youve just settled down to take in your favorite chatshow. But whats this? Your remote seems to have gone all wonky and wont tune in the channel as it has for years. You click over to another channel and–blast
If you look around you you will see adverts about Virgin Media both online and offline. In this article we will be looking at them to determine if they are worth the hype or not.
Pros and cons of using fibre optic broadband from Virgin Media
The acronym “NAT,†in computer networking terminology, stands for “network address translation.†Various NAT types are used for specific purposes. For example, if you plan on adding a video game console capable of online play to your wired or
When you are online you may hear someone saying something about an IP address. This leads to the questions; what is an IP address? and what does it have to do with you? Most people only know that an IP address is something that relates to the inter
The UK Broadband market is developing and transforming. Not that many years ago, it was difficult to get decent speeds or connectivity that would enable streaming, online gaming, or VoIP. Nowadays, Internet connectivity is, on average, above 10MBPS o
Do you find it increasingly difficult to find the perfect gift for your gadget-loving geek? Do they seem to have every gadget known to man, leaving you few options when it comes to finding them the perfect present? Rather than continue to scour the I
When it comes to ADSL broadband – the most widespread mobile broadband technology – it really is a post code lottery. The connectivity levels we can achieve in our homes are intrinsically linked to the distance we are from the telephone exchange and
If you have moved to a new area, you may find that you need to pick up a new broadband Internet service provider. The thing that you need to remember is that Internet service providers are not created equal. Like any other service, they will vary in
When people are looking to save costs one of the expenses they look at is the phone line. The reason for this is that most people do not really use their phone line. The main reason why most people still have a phone line is the fact that their bro
EE broadband is the first 4G mobile broadband provider in the UK. The recent auctions of the 4G spectrum has seen Vodafone spend over £790 million, O2 take a significant lot, and the major providers are now working on facilitating 4G in their netwo