
Cheap Brooches and Bead Caps

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A brooch adds to the style of the person wearing it. It is an ornament pinned on the clothing of the wearer. It is fastened by passing the pin through the clothing and securing the point of the pin with a catch. Cheap brooches can be made attractive by making them using bead caps.

You can pin Brooches on clothing and even pin it on your hair. This may accentuate your look especially while using a well-designed brooch. The caps are used to hold the beads together while making the brooch.

The bead caps that you use should depend on the beads and the type brooch you intend to make. There are various types of brooches and they are made from different materials. Cheap brooches are made from cheap materials such as cheap metal and cheap pins. They should help the wearer look good and at the same time save money. The good thing is that no one will know that it is cheap unless you tell them.

How to choose bead caps for making cheap brooches

• The cost

Since cheap brooches do not require expensive materials, you should use bead caps that are not expensive such as those made of silver. These caps are used on semi precious beads and glass beads. This will make beautiful but cheap brooches.

Pewter caps are also good for making the brooch since they require the use of semi precious gemstones. The same case applies to brass and copper caps. They are all relatively cheap and they can be used on cheap beads.

• The size of the brooch and the beads

Large brooches may need large caps to hold the beads together. Smaller brooches may use a small cap. Make sure that you know the size of the brooch before determining the size of the cap. It may also happen that the size of the bean cap will be determined by the size of the bead. Small caps can be used on bigger beads as well as big beads.

• The type of brooch

The design of the brooch determines the bead caps to be used on it. A circular thin brooch will require small beads and therefore small caps. If a brooch is large, it may need a bigger bead and so a bigger bead cap.

• Shape the beads to be used on the brooch

The shape of the beads is important in determining the type of bead caps that you should use. If the beads are spherical or oval, the caps should be round. For rectangular and square beads, the caps should take the same shape.

If you would like to make a brooch, it does not have to be expensive but it can be attractive. Making cheap brooches does not require the use of expensive materials. Despite that, they should be made attractive by the use of bead caps. These caps should also be affordable but with a good design. The shape and size of the beads determine the kind of caps to be used to accentuate them.

The writer has some background in handcraft and design and loves to experiment on bead caps of all shapes and colors. In addition, making cheap brooches with the locally available material makes them affordable to the buyer yet profitable to him.

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