
31202Ringing in 2018: New Year’s Resolutions for Hauliers

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New Year’s resolutions are always a hot topic of conversation when January rolls around. Give up smoking, lay off the lagers, run the London Marathon, call your mother more often – no matter what your vices or personal aspirations, there’s nothing like the clean slate of a brand new year to get you motivated. Here are a few ideas if you’re looking for inspiration.

H2O Hydration

Aka “drink more water”! This year, do yourself a favour and start with a simple promise to bypass those sweet, sugary and caffeinated drinks (yes, we know – also yummy) that are so popular for quick-fix energy boosts. Good old H2O is a far healthier choice for your body and negates the artificial highs and lows caused by sugar/caffeine-laden beverages. It’s also delicious and very thirst-quenching. True story.

Get Physical

Getting fit is on most people’s hit list at the start of the year, but if you spend all day doing delivery work, it’s even more important. Spending all day crunched up in the cab of a lorry can be tough on your body and, while promising to go to the gym every day would be ideal, we all know that it’s not likely to happen. But even the smallest effort can make a big difference. Every time you stop, get into the habit of stretching your legs, arms, neck and back (Google some simple yoga exercises for inspiration), and go for a short walk to get your muscles moving. Commit to doing this for just a couple of days, and we promise that you’ll see the results. Then commit to a year of it… and watch your life change.

Eye Eye, Salmon Pie

Think about this: if your job is doing delivery work, your eyes are actually the most important assets. So it follows that looking after them should be a priority. Make this year the perfect time to have your eyes tested (whether or not you already wear glasses or contacts), because your vision can change dramatically over the course of a year – especially with the strain of long hours on the road. But even if you’ve still got 20/20 eyesight, you need to take care of it, so make use of eye drops, wear UV protective sunglasses and keep up the vision-friendly nutrition, like green leafy veggies and fish oil. Salmon pie – get it?

Phone Home

There’s no shame in reaching out to family and friends for some support when you’re on the road. In fact, it’s vital for your mental health, so make it a point to call home regularly. With today’s hi-tech communication methods, you can take your pick of video chatting, FaceTiming, texting, Snapchatting, Tweeting, WhatsApping and any other of a plethora of social media channels.

Make 2018 Accident-Free

It’s a big ask, but a worthy resolution. The most important commitment that you can make this year is to take responsibility for every road user’s safety. While you can’t control anyone else’s driving, you certainly can control your own while you’re doing your delivery work, so follow the rules to a tee, do all of your pre-trip inspections, keep your distance and utilise impeccable etiquette on the road. In other words, use your head, keep your cool and toe the line.

New Year, New Inspirations

If you make a living doing delivery work, your personal health, safety and comfort on the road are the perfect place to start looking for inspiration for your resolutions. You know you want to, so… ready, steady, start resolving!

Norman Dulwich is a Correspondent for Haulage Exchange, the leading online trade network for the road transport industry. Connecting logistics professionals across the UK and Europe through their website, Haulage Exchange provides services for matching delivery work with available drivers. Over 4,800 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.

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