
A Mover s Itinerary Switching Electricity Supplier

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Are you moving soon? Well, its time to look into the possibility of changing your utility providers when you get to your new home. If you are going to an area where you have multiple options for an electricity supplier, take that as an opportunity to shave off a few bucks from your monthly bill. In the United States, for example, there are deregulated areas, where electric companies are allowed to compete.

When you move in and simply take over the previous occupants account with a utility provider, you may not be getting the best deal. For instance, the tax and monthly plan may be suitable for the previous owner, but it may not apply to you. You may be able to save money by switching to another electricity supplier. And dont worry because changing to another provider generally does not come with paying for another electric meter to be installed. Moreover, there is no charge associated with the switch. But you have to clear any outstanding debt with your previous supplier before you switch to a new one.

Here are some things you may need to do when you move.

First, check your existing electricity bill. How many units do you normally consume over a month and a year? Knowing this can help you decide whether to go with prepaid metering or not, should that choice be available in your new home. Consider getting a fixed-price plan, if you think that it will make a difference in your energy savings.

Second, take time to perform price comparisons using your actual electricity consumption data. Do this weeks ahead of your moving day. Make online comparisons first for available electricity suppliers in your new address. Use only accredited price comparison sites to ensure that you are evaluating suppliers based on accurate information.

When you have narrowed down your choices to two or three providers, call them up and ask specific questions. Ask if you can get a discount if you pay by direct debit, because some providers may offer something if you choose this method of payment. If there is no incentive for a direct debit billing, you may not want to sign up using that mode of payment. The same is true for an online billing option—if you would rather receive paper bills or you are not comfortable with tracking your bills online, then opt to receive bills by post. Also, ask if there is a contract. Once you have decided on a particular provider, schedule a date to get your electricity supply activated on the new address.

As for your previous electricity supplier, give at least two days of notice regarding your move. They may send someone to read your meter. You may also want to make your own reading then note it. Keep it handy in case there are disputes.

Finally, when you arrive in your new home, note the reading on the electrical meter. If there is no power, do the customary checks on fuses, light bulbs left in the sockets, and trip switches before calling the electricity supplier.

Sam Jones takes a keen interest in the energy market and recommends the  uSwitch energy comparison website to find the best energy supplier as well as the cheapest energy prices


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