
26658Traffic Ticket and the Role of a CDL Lawyer

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A traffic ticket will be issued to a driver if they have broken a traffic law. If you drive commercial and are hit with a traffic violation like commercial speeding, the penalties can be dangerous. Traffic tickets normally come in 2 different types, moving violations and non-moving violations. Moving violations include citations such as exceeding the speed limit and non-moving violation includes violations such as illegal parking. If you receive a traffic ticket and don’t know what your first step should be it would be wise to call a CDL lawyer. They will fight to dismiss your case or reduce the points that come with it.

If you fail to pay your traffic ticket, the commercial speeding ticket can lead to an arrest warrant and/or a suspension of your license. A CDL lawyer can help you solve this problem. If you get involved in traffic related case, a lawyer can help you. It is also critical to find a lawyer that specializes in CDL traffic tickets. It is essential to call a lawyer to represent you at the traffic court if you have received a traffic citation.

CDL lawyers are no strangers to handling CDL violations such as commercial speeding. In California, someone who has received a citation can plead guilty and pay the fine but will be hit with points on their driving record. This is an option that is highly not recommended. If someone wishes to plea not guilty they will take the chance to either dismiss or reduce their traffic case. When somebody chooses to plea not guilty, they will be required to appear in court on multiple dates. If you choose to plea not guilty, and are a CDL driver it is critical to call a lawyer to represent you. They have the experience you will need to successfully fight your ticket. Traffic law firms can also write a Trial by Declaration for their clients.

If you choose to fight your case by Trial by Written Declaration or hire an attorney, you do not need to be present in the court. His/her lawyer will represent them. In a Trial by Declaration situation, the judge will make the decision based on the evidences from the various parties. You should not be afraid if you have a lawyer on your side. A traffic lawyer in California will be able to handle the your case and prevent you from losing your commercial driver’s license. Almost all traffic violations affect a CDL driver’s driving record. With the help of a highly qualified lawyer, you have a high chance of saving your CDL and overall career.

A traffic ticket will be issued to a driver if they have broken a traffic law. If you drive commercial and are hit with a traffic violation such as Commercial Speeding , the penalties can be dangerous. A CDL Lawyer can help save your CDL and career. 

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