As most fleet operators will be aware, running this kind of business has its challenges. The main issue for the operators is keeping control of the whole fleet, and the bigger the fleet you manage, the tougher that job can be. Thankfully there is an innovative solution now available on the market that will help all fleet operators to manage both more effectively and efficiently.
TomTom Pro 2020
TomTom Telematics have made their name in the transport industry and, as a highly experienced company, they are constantly updating their products and systems. The TomTom Pro 2020, which can be used in cars and vans, is the latest development in telematics. Aimed at fleet operators and managers working with large fleets, the new driver terminal allows users of the high tech software, WEBFLEET, to connect all of their drivers as well as stay in touch with how each driver is conducting themselves on the road. It collects comprehensive data that provides details of whether a driver is being compliant with company safety standards.
Four Elements in One
This unit is the most compact so far and consists of:
• A driver ID with an alert buzzer
• A Logbook that notes both business and private mileage
• A log denoting the time that workers are actually working
• OptiDrive 360, which gives drivers immediate audible feedback as they drive
The Appeal to Drivers
Most people are familiar with a touchscreen these days; the interactive touchscreen of the TomTom Pro 2020 engages the user and ultimately helps the driver to make positive changes to their driving behaviour where necessary.
These new terminals are very simple to use and therefore don’t put drivers off with complicated operating systems. Instead, staff are encouraged to log their work times and their other transport data. The device is also neat and small, meaning that it can be stored and accessed easily.
The Appeal to Fleet Operators and Managers
The benefit of using the TomTom Pro 2020 for operators and business managers is that it gives the responsibility of driver conduct to the person themself, and yet allows the operator to remain in control of what is happening out on the roads. The reporting system that works in conjunction with WEBFLEET is a useful tool and one that slots into back office systems with no problem.
For any fleet operators running a relatively large fleet, staying ahead of the game and retaining control of all of the vehicles is a hugely challenging part of the job. Less control often means more expense for the company as a result of poor driver conduct. This is why the TomTom Pro 2020 is set to become a lifesaver for many businesses. The consistent data collection will undoubtedly help reduce costs, as well as making managers aware of any issues that can be easily addressed instead of going unnoticed.
Digitally speaking, the transport and logistics industry is transforming; the more we can encourage cohesiveness in company operation, the more efficiently the industry will function.
Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for Courier Exchange, the world's largest neutral trading hub for same day courier work in the express freight exchange industry. Over 4,000 fleet operators and couriers are networked together through their website, trading jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.