
Replacing Google!! Is This What Tokenview Can Do?

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The very first thing when it comes to searching the internet for any information is Google.

Yes, we cannot deny the fact that Google has become the only place to churn out any information (including information regarding cryptocurrency). According to the statistics published by search engine Journal , 80% of desktop users and 95% mobile users use Google to search information on a regular basis.

However, we have often heard the phrase “Power corrupts” and this is what has happened with Google. According to EU competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager ,

“What Google has done is illegal under EU antitrust rules. It denied other companies the chance to compete on the merits and to innovate. And most importantly, it denied European consumers a genuine choice of services and the full benefits of innovation.”

Why a decentralized approach more relevant and the need of the time?

Words like bitcoin, cryptocurrency and decentralized currency are some of the most searched terms on the Google these days. However, different people are having a different opinion – some look at its brighter side whereas the others look at its darker side. Though just like everything blockchain is having a brighter and a darker side, we like its brighter side as it has proved to be very useful to us.

Realizing that the popularity of blockchain is increasing with each passing day, blockchain startups are making various attempts to take advantage of the situation. The main focuses of these startups are to provide every piece of important information to blockchain enthusiast.

There is an immediate need to have a blockchain search engine and Tokenview is what we were missing all along the way. It is a search engine solely dedicated to the blockchain.

How can Tokenview bring a new revolution in the world of blockchain search engine?

Today when blockchain is a very common term, it would be a blessing to have a search engine which is solely dedicated to blockchain and for knowing anything related to it. Tokenview has come up with an initiative to provide users to with every piece of information regarding blockchain. On Tokenview, users will be able to search every block heights, balances, addresses, transaction ID, latest blocks and much more. We can without any doubt say that Tokenview will soon become the Google for bitcoin, cryptocurrency and blockchain lovers.

Can Tokenview be more useful than Google?

With Tokenview, blockchain users will be able to get every bit of information regarding blockchain which is not mixed with other information, also, Tokenview will have a proper community where people can share information regarding blockchain with each other. Sharing knowledge will further spin the wheels of innovation set rolled by Tokenview.

As everything evolves and gets better so will Tokenview. The future has a lot in store when it comes to the enhanced functionalities of this blockchain search engine. The Tokenview team has plans to make all the wishes of a blockchain enthusiast come true.

All the functionalities of Tokenview could be categorized into the following functionalities:

All chains can be searched: Tokenview is not limited to searching just one particular chain but can search any chain that is there. Does it even sound real? But it is. This is the enhanced technology behind the decentralized blockchain search engine Tokenview. Tokenview will review other chains, and provide query services.

Anything related to blockchain can be searched: Not only Tokenview would be able to search all the chains for you but also anything and everything on it. Blockchain whitepapers, latest news or articles about blockchain are just a few things that can be named. The possibilities of such a decentralized blockchain are just enormous.

Data and behavior analysis: Tokenview will do a more professional and detailed data analysis about every address’ transactions or habit analysis, including trading habits, frequency, analysis of transaction dynamics, and integration of presentations with charts, etc. to achieve data value. Every bit of information in the palm of your hands as soon as you think of it. This vast array of data has immense possibilities for data analysts and even for a layman.

Tokenview as a blockchain search engine will evolve and dominate the blockchain search in the times to come. Their vision is reflected in their initial version which is Multi-currency full-node query based on powerful database and data retrieval capabilities. It supports ETH query and ERC20 token query as well.

Tokenview is all set to take on the challenges and make an impact in the $100 billion search market. No longer is a part of a silly television show or piece of science fiction, a decentralized blockchain search engine Tokenview is inevitably a reality. Unlike Google, it will employ more transparent ranking algorithms and this will inevitably level the playing field. Like it or not the blockchain technology is here to stay and is going to change the data and information landscape forever. This is a point in time where the second phase of the evolution of the internet has begun and so has the search industry. So let the race begin!!

Company Name: Beijing Elegine Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Yuan Zhen
Address: #1313, Tower B, Raycom InfoTech Park, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Tele: 0086 17600699209

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