
31202How to Find the Right People for Jobs in Logistics

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Finding the right person for any job in any industry can be a challenge but, due to the recruitment crisis that’s affecting many haulage companies, an already difficult job has become much harder. If you are thinking about a recruitment drive for your business, however, don’t worry: there are still great people out there; you just need to be able to identify them!

Keenness is Key

A lot of managers see the interview process as an unwanted hassle, but it is a vital way of discovering whether applicants who sound suitable on paper are actually what you expect them to be. While many potential employees may not always put their best foot forward in an interview setting, the key things to look out for are enthusiasm for the job and a willingness to learn.

Flexibility and Adaptability

The experienced hands of haulage companies know that flexibility pays off in the industry. This means that your new recruits should have a range of skills that they can draw on to meet the needs of the industry. Keep an eye out for CVs that demonstrate that the applicant has a variety of skills, as these may translate to adaptability that could have an invaluable impact on your business.

Key Skills

Of course, interviews probably won’t tell you everything you need to know about a candidate. However, there are key skills that you should be able to glean from a CV, which will count certain applicants in and others out. One of the most important of these is numeracy. From itemisation to inventory, the ability to process numbers is a vital part of work in the logistics industry. Look for applicants who have achieved a decent GCSE in maths or have worked with numbers in former positions.

In addition to being confident with numbers, the ability to work analytically is vital. This is something that should be assessed in an interview, particularly if you choose to set certain tasks as part of the interview process. An analytical brain will help your new recruit cope with and even flourish under the demands of a career in logistics.

The Power of Personality

Of course, you’re not going to hire someone just because they’re friendly or because they seem calm under pressure, but don’t underestimate how valuable these qualities can be. Haulage companies can be stressful places at times, so someone who doesn’t fall apart under pressure and can work well with your existing team will be an asset.

Finding the right staff for your business may be a challenging process, but take your time during the recruitment process. In the long run, this is sure to spare you the time and money losses that come with replacing staff who, for whatever reason, are unsuitable. By following the above suggestions, you can ensure that you’ll find the ideal person to fit seamlessly into your existing team.

Norman Dulwich is a Correspondent for Haulage Exchange, the leading online trade network for the road transport industry. Connecting professionals across the UK and Europe through their website, Haulage Exchange provides services for matching haulage companies or self-employed drivers with jobs in road transport and haulage work. Over 4,800 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.

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