
31202Haulage Company Builds Hospital Play Area for Sick Children

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Today, we are talking about why it’s a fantastic idea for haulage companies to get involved with charity. Whether you’re responding to a specific need, hosting an event or encouraging employees to run a marathon, raising funds for a good cause is an excellent way to give back to the community. Let’s look at how the Europa Worldwide Group has helped transform a local hospital before considering how donating to charity can benefit your business.

The Europa Worldwide Group at Darent Valley Hospital

In 2016, the climbing frame at Darent Valley Hospital was declared unsafe. The children who were staying on Willow Ward for treatment were not allowed to play outside for a considerable amount of time. Eventually, the old frame was removed so that they could enjoy the fresh air. Unfortunately, the hospital did not have the funds to replace the equipment.

Chris McGurk, credit manager at Europa, was shocked when he witnessed this situation while visiting his friend’s children on the ward. He was so impressed with the work of the hospital staff, who helped the kids relax and feel safe through their illnesses, that he felt that it was a shame that the children did not have a proper playground to enjoy. Chris was determined to see whether Europa Worldwide Group could help out.

They could. So far, Europa have donated £10,000 to the hospital and have funded a fantastic new play area. The equipment was specially designed so that children of all ages and mobility levels can use it and enjoy being outside. The children on Willow Ward now have a wonderful, ship-themed climbing frame to explore whilst they recover. Europa is also running a competition among the kids to name the ship. What’s more, they have promised another £6,000 to help complete this important project.

Why Invest in Charity?

Of course, it’s always great when we can make a positive contribution to the world. However, it might surprise you to know that there can be business benefits for haulage companies that donate to charity. Here are just three reasons that I hope will convince you that it’s worth increasing your engagement with charities.

1.Happier Employees: Employees will have a sense of pride in belonging to an organisation that gives back to the community. Those who would love to get involved in philanthropic activities but feel like they don’t have time outside of work will have the brilliant opportunity to be part of large, exciting projects without missing out on time with their families. This helps haulage companies retain employees and boosts morale.

2.Building a Brand: Working with charities is a wonderful way of creating a positive corporate identity. Haulage companies who raise money and awareness for good causes are seen as both ethical and responsible. This can help increase your visibility and may attract a larger pool of talented employees.

3.Networking: Haulage companies that regularly interact with charities will come into contact with other influential business owners, both locally and nationally. You can build a network of business owners on the same wavelength as you, raising your profile and potentially leading to exciting opportunities in the future.

Norman Dulwich is a Correspondent for Haulage Exchange, the leading online trade network for the road transport industry. Connecting professionals across the UK and Europe through their website, Haulage Exchange provides services for matching haulage companies or self-employed drivers with jobs in road transport and haulage work. Over 5,000 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.

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