Is your credit shot? Do you have repos, a bankruptcy, or other things that are keeping you from getting financing? If so, then you probably have to go to buy here pay here car dealers to get a vehicle of any sort. There are things you should know that will keep you from getting a bad vehicle and a bad deal from one of these dealers. Here are some tips to help you out.
First, these dealers will be very high pressure and you can defuse this by test driving multiple vehicles. They will approve you first, then try to put you in the vehicle they want you in. However, this is not good for you and you need to find out which vehicles on their lot you qualify for. Then, test them all. If they have more than one lot, then you should consider going to another lot to get the vehicle you want.
Second, consider mileage and the year of the vehicle. You should be looking for something that is less than 7 years old and has less than or right around 100,000 miles on it. This will give you a vehicle that still has 5-7 good years of drivability or more left in it.
Third, if they offer a warranty, then you are probably dealing with one of the better buy here pay here car dealers. This is a good thing, but you still need to be cautious. This will usually be a 50/50 warranty, which means you still have to cover half of the repairs if something goes wrong.
Last, make sure that you get the vehicle you are considering checked out by a mechanic of your own. Do not under any circumstance trust their mechanic and do not allow them to talk you into purchasing without a full inspection. Set aside enough money that you can get this done for 2 vehicles so that if the first one does not pass the inspection you can still look for another one. Never purchase without your mechanic giving you the rundown.
Is your credit shot? Do you have repos, a bankruptcy, or other things that are keeping you from getting financing? If so, then you probably have to go to buy here pay here car dealers to get a vehicle of any sort. There are things you should know that will keep you from getting a bad vehicle and a bad deal from one of these dealers. Here are some tips to help you out.
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