The Balearic island of Menorca boasts a rich biodiversity. Beloved by naturalists, it is an excellent place to see a host of African and European species, and is also home to several endemic plant species. If you plan spend a portion of your summer in Menorca, below are just a few of the species you may see.
Apium bermejoi
Keen botanists visiting during a summer in Menorca may want to head to the northeast of the island in hopes of seeing a member of this species. A. bermejoi is endemic to the island and critically endangered, with fewer than 100 individual plants and 50 mature ones. It is threatened by habitat loss, as well as unfavourable weather conditions due to global warming, so any flora lovers should take advantage of what could be one of the last chances to see this at risk species.
Socarrell is endemic to the Balearic Islands and is usually found sprawling over the rocks on Menorca’s northern coast. It takes the form of a vast, fuzzy-looking ball of matter, with tiny needle-like leaves. It’s not as rare as A. bermejoi, but it’s still worth stopping for a closer look if you come across it. If you’re spending spring or early summer in Menorca, you may have the chance to see its buttercup yellow blooms as well.
Italian Sainfoin
Italian sainfoin is known for its beautiful flowers, which are an eye-catching shade of crimson. The plant happily weathers the hot, dry conditions of summer in Menorca and, when it’s in bloom, you may come across large swathes of the flowers, glowing red like embers burning amid the undergrowth. Italian sainfoin is found all across southern Europe and northern Africa, so seasoned travellers may be familiar with it.
Field Gladiolus
Another flower found extensively across Europe, the field gladiolus doesn’t have to be rare to be very beautiful. It has a range of different coloured flowers, from white to lemon-yellow to pink to golden-peach, and there are parts of the island where whole fields of them bloom spectacularly. The gladiolus is very hardy and is actually considered a weed in many places. Nonetheless, it is undeniably very lovely to see.
Small-Flowered Tongue Orchid
The small-flowered tongue orchid has a unique beauty about it. Its flowers connect intricately to each other in a geometric pattern, and each one resembles a tiny mouth, wide open, with the tongue extended. With its delightfully bizarre appearance, you’ll be enamoured with this orchid – if you’re lucky enough to spot it, that is.
The species above are only a few of the amazing plants you’ll have the opportunity to see during summer in Menorca. Flowering plants are at their very best in the springtime, but visitors later in the year can still partake in a highly enjoyable time exploring the island’s plant life.
Brenda Jaaback is the Managing Director of Bartle Holidays. They can provide you with a wide selection of villas for a holiday in summer in Menorca. Bartle Holidays makes no warranty as to the accuracy of information contained in this article and excludes any liability of any kind for the information.
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