I come bearing a heart-warming story, which will make you proud to be part of the logistics industry. In a wonderful display of patriotism and support for Britain’s armed troops, a Yorkshire haulier company has created a new special delivery vehicle in honour of 2018’s Remembrance Day on 11 November.
Supporting Our Boys
The haulier company YDL, which is part of the APC Overnight network, has decorated a tractor unit with huge red poppies in a show of support for the 2017 Poppy Appeal. The decorated vehicle will soon be lighting up the streets of Yorkshire and the North East as it delivers shipments across the county. It is a beautiful homage to the Royal British Legion, the men who fought so bravely to defend our country in World War One and the armed services who continue to devote their lives to keeping us safe.
Welcoming Ex-Servicemen into the New Rank
The Poppy Appeal is the latest campaign to receive the haulage industry’s backing in a long history of support shown to the armed force. Our troops’ wellbeing is an issue that’s close to all of our hearts, particularly considering that hauliers and drivers have been welcoming ex-military servicemen into their ranks for the past two years.
Thanks to the ‘Road to Logistics’ scheme, which is supported by the Road Haulage Association (RHA), servicemen have been learning the tricks of a haulier company’s trade. They have been developing their driving skills and getting behind the wheels of HGVs. The charitable organisation, which was launched in 2016, supports soldiers as they transition back into civilian life. As a result of our industry’s support, the number of ex-servicemen who become homeless, are arrested or suffer from health issues has been greatly diminished.
A Tradition of Charitable Support
You should be proud of the fact that your haulier company and other members of the logistics industry have a well-established tradition of charitable support.
I could give you so many examples of the wonderful work that many UK drivers and freight forwarders have been doing, but I think one of the most significant displays of solidarity is the logistics industry’s involvement with Breast Cancer Now.
In an inspiring demonstration of comradeship for the ever-increasing number of women who work as hauliers and drivers in Britain, Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab (DFDS)’s freight branch is raising funds for this cancer research charity. In a show of support, the ferry company painted a special trailer and has been cruising the UK’s motorways in a bright pink truck since October 2016. They use it for regular shipments, proudly sporting their new fleet member, while picking up and dropping off freight. For every ten kilometres that they cover in the van, DFDS will be donating €1 to the charity. I am more than happy to report that the trailer has already travelled over 26,000km, raising an impressive 2,600€.
Feeling inspired? Why not get involved and encourage your haulier company to do something to support our troops, too?
Norman Dulwich is a Correspondent for Haulage Exchange, the leading online trade network for the road transport industry across the UK and Europe. It provides services matching work for a haulier company with jobs and to buy and sell road transport and haulage work in the domestic and international markets. Over 4,500 transport exchange businesses are networked together through their website, trading jobs and capacity in a safe 'wholesale' environment.