
Top Questions Answered By Shed Builders

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Homeowners looking to add a storage shed to their property are faced with a range of questions that can hinder their project or confuse them before they ever get started. While some questions that are area specific cant be addressed without seeing the property, there are several common questions that shed builders can answer to help clear up common misconceptions.

How would I build a roof that can support snow on my shed?

Sheds are meant to be sturdy but relatively simple structures that can handle inclement weather. That being said the dynamics of a storage shed are much different than those of a regular dwelling. It is advisable never to build a storage shed with a shallow pitch roof because it limits the amount of headroom on the inside, and will not offer support for snow, foliage, or other items that may fall on the roof during rough weather. The overall looks of shallow pitched roofs are also aesthetically unappealing on a storage shed.

Gable roofed sheds are aesthetically appealing and allow for excess weight to be distributed in the event heavy items fall on the top of the structure. A good slope should have ranges between 40 & 45 degrees. This will make is steep enough that snow, sleet, hail or foliage can shed easily.

Where can I find building plans to craft my own shed?

Building plans for storage sheds are easy to find. You can look online to fins plans that can be purchased and downloaded or you can visit your local hardware store to purchase a plan that fits your needs. If you are feeling adventurous, you can contact a local custom builder and have them view your property and draw up plans to your exact specifications.

What is the difference between storage shed foundations?

The most simple of foundation is the on-grade foundation. Unlike permanent foundations, there is no need to pour concrete or dig postholes. They are crafted above ground out of solid concrete blocks that are arranged in rows that are evenly spaced. On top of the blocks are pressure treated timbers that are used to support the floor frame of the structure. This type of foundation is best paired with sheds that are 200 square feet or less in size.

Permanent foundations are built by digging at minimum to the frost line then filling those holes with concrete footings, slabs or pillars to support the foundation. Another older technique called pole barn construction is when the digging reaches the frost line and then poles are placed in the holes as support for the floor frames, roof and walls.

This type of foundation is most appropriate for larger sheds as it prevents the buildup of frost and ensures the structure is stable in the event of harsh weather. In addition, it helps the building remain stable even during ground movement fluctuation caused by natural thaw/freeze cycles. If you are based in Massachusetts, you should visit this website – Shed Builders MA.

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