
Learn about the Causes and Right Course of Action for the PS3 Blinking Red Light

3 Min Read

There are many PS3 owners who’ve been through the dreaded YLOD; better known as the yellow light of death. This happens after the green and yellow lights cease to show up and turn red. The red light will keep on blinking, which is why it’s also called the blinking red light or red light of death. This YLOD indicates that your console is on the point of breaking down. You might find many potential reasons on why it happened. However, PS3 experts stated two major causes.

Damaged Pieces within the Console

Making use of the solders, the GPU or chipsets were attached to the motherboard. When the PS3 has been functioning for several hours, it’s most likely for the solders or the hardware to overheat. Solders could melt in constant high temperatures, and they’ll solidify again when the heat is gone. The motherboard won’t be able to keep connection between the components if the procedure keeps on repeating. This is regarded as the most common reason for PS3 yellow light of death.

There is not Enough Supply of Power

The capacitors and diodes will malfunction due to overheating. Because there’s no enough power, the components won’t operate well. Nevertheless, most experts agreed that this is a less typical cause of PS3 yellow light of death. Because of this, it is just sensible for every gamer to know the significance of proper cooling and ventilation of their consoles.

Ruling Out the Cause of PS3 Yellow Light of Death

There are means to figure out whether a faulty power supply or a broken internal hardware is causing the YLOD. If turning the device on, try to listen if the fan actually switches on. Ensure that the console is cool before you switch it on, since it would make the evaluation inaccurate. When you can hear nothing inside after you turn on the PS3, it’s likely that the reason is a defective power source. Meanwhile, it’s malfunctioning motherboard when the fan inside functioned however stops all of a sudden.

Troubleshooting Methods for YLOD

Nearly all PS3 owners will immediately contact the maintenance and repair employees of SONY or simply get a brand new one once they see the light. However, purchasing a new console is extremely expensive. PS3 YLOD repair provided by Sony will be very expensive because of the shipment expenses involved and the manpower required to repair it. Aside from that, it also requires three weeks for the company to repair it well. The truth is, some went on for six weeks. If money is not a problem, then choosing either of these solutions is a good choice.

However, PS3 owners can resolve YLOD carrying out the repair on their own. Individuals who decide to keep their current console and currently in a tight budget will surely find this option helpful. The PS3 YLOD repair can be completed for just two hours if you do it properly. A proficient PS3 repairman had given a downloadable guide online for repairing PS3 properly, so there’s no need to worry. There are pics in every step so it will not be difficult for you to follow. Through this, time, effort, and money will be saved and the yellow light of death will soon be repaired.The reason for this post is to assist you in creating a plan for your PS3 Ylod through beneficial information and suggestions. It doesn’t truly matter if you don’t have experience or if you encountered loads of failures when you started as success will come eventually if you persevere. To get further information concerning PS3 Ylod Fix and the best ways to approach it, spend some time to check out the website This article is copyright protected.