
The Facebook Obsession is Making People Rich!

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4 Things about Facebook You Should Know But Don’t

It looks like every Internet user is on Facebook; or almost. It looks like the Internet only exist to serve Facebook. So, here are some eye-opening details about FB that you should know, especially if you have any type of business . Even if you are picking Cocoa beans in Cote d’lvoire | the world’s top cocoa producer| the central African jungle], chances are you already know plenty about Facebook. If you are not up to speed on Facebook , your your business is falling behind , and it is costing you lost business .

1. One out of Every Two Internet Users Have a Facebook Account

According to statistics gathered from and, approximately 50% of all internet users around the globe, maintain Facebook accounts . Both stats were good as of the middle of the year 2013 . This means that half of your potential customers can connect with you in a social setting, not just in a purely business environment. Facebook might just be the ideal place to connect with your market

2. The Most Prolific FB Users are in the 25 – 34 Age Group

If you want to market on Facebook, but you are not sure what product to sell or create, perhaps this age demographic will help you decide . For women, this is prime child-bearing age. For men, this is the time that they settle down and build families. Some guys will never settle down, but they are in the minority; I think. This age group also represents many of today’s top Earners in the Internet world . Jamie Tardy of eventualmillionaire dot com does an excellent job of profiling these people who could be your customers

3. The highest traffic peak on Facebook occurs mid-week between 1 pm and 3 pm

Now, this is interesting. Do you think that you could update you profiles and make your posts at this time? It might be the best time to break special news or post specific items that could give you a great advantage. Perhaps this is the first time some people will check their FB accounts after the weekend.

4. Reports that people spent just over US$1,000,000,000 on Facebook, buying Virtual currency

That does not include all the money spent on other goods outside of Facebook, by customers who are initially cultivated through Facebook ads. Gamers were the big spenders there, as Facebook is one of the largest gaming portal online. It is not so easy to show specifics about people who buy FB ads but we know that this figure exceeds one million. If you are looking for a cheaper alternative to Google Adwords with better targeting to boot, I believe Facebook is the way to go There are over 1.19 billion Facebook users and over 728 million of them are daily users of Facebook. They all use their most reliable email addresses to log into their FB accounts. Do you see the opportunity here? Go to: Get Facebook Obsession to get started right now. This article is copyright protected.

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