In the interest of online learning, WORLDWIDE YOGA has taken on a new challenge. As of May 7, 2018, Worldwide Yoga announces the launch of their brand new online learning center on the web, Yoga Learning Center:
The site, which is divided by world region locations, allows the user to choose their region and learn about the latest in Yoga techniques and retreats for 2018. The site is responsive in design and allows for the use of video in a seamless fashion, for an enhanced user experience in learning. The site also avoids the annoying auto-play feature for videos, allowing the user the choice to watch or review other site options. This is a vast improvement over using flash, which often requires users to download a third-party program to view videos.
In addition, the site is now social media friendly, allowing users to interact with the learning center on mediums such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. It also allows users to easily rate articles on the site and share them with their friends and followers.
The site is beautifully designed using hi resolution photos yet, the site loads easily for users eliminating a long load time. The space is adequately used, not busy and overly stuffed with keyword copy. Each article is useful and full of information. Even the navigation is easily found and utilized. No searching for the next button or the menu. Users can even contact the site for more information on items reviewed or classes shown on the site.
Currently, the site includes many inviting photos of worldwide retreats with dates and times and in many cases, videos, showcasing their peace and splendor. One can also find some tips on how to practice or how to book (with promo codes). The site easily offers everything yoga practitioners can dream of and more.
For more up-to-date information about their featured events go to their Twitter profile to learn more about yoga retreats in Bali , Thailand, Hawaii, Mexico and more stunning destinations.
Sophia Amelia, Founder
Company: Worldwide Yoga
Address: WorldWide Yoga Learning Center, Jalan Jembawan 1, Ubud, Bali, 80571, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]