This inspirational movement is the brainchild of Lakia Barnett, author of Slay Pray Believe and radio show host of Facing Purpose Radio Show. Barnett had her share of misfortune and misery that she had to battle against. She had been homeless and had to live in the Main Shelter of Washington DC. Although her struggle was extremely difficult to say the very least, it also gave her strength and vision. She learned to reach out to other women in order to help and support each other through tough times. The Tears To Purpose Monologue Movement is all about women from different backgrounds, cultures and societies coming together to give an account of their hardships and sufferings. The project focuses on the vision of these women and how they survived whatever their lives threw at them.
Barnett has become a sensation, and for good reason. She has been featured in The Washington Informer Newspaper as well as two other articles in well-to-do magazines. The woman of God has also interviewed with podcast shows. She has recently become the very proud owner of a custom made radio. The very first conference by Lakia Barnett is all set to be launched. In order to carry on with this outstanding movement, Barnett’s plan is to raise over $10,000. This lady is breaking all records and has no hint of slowing down.
About The Tears To Purpose Monologue
The Tears To Purpose Monologue is a movement started by author and radio show host, Lakia Barnett. Here, women from various backgrounds and societies come forward to tell their stories. The project focuses on the struggles they had to face, the misfortunes that they endured and most importantly, how they overcame all of those with their vision and willpower.
Lakia Barnett
The Tears To Purpose Monologue Movement is a project where women come forward to speak of their struggles and survival.