For Immediate Release
Health Benefits of Food, 31 January, 2018: My Nutrisi, an excellent platform that shares information on health benefits of food, has announced a sincere welcome to all of the readers who wants to share their suggestions, views and constructive criticisms about the website. This platform is designed to provide valuable information on different health related matters such as benefits of different food items, information on how to consume foods properly and others.
My Nutrisi feels proud to offer such a platform through which people can become more aware about their health and food. In the website people can gather information on benefits of food items as well as other relevant information like how to make good recipes by using those food items like chicken, fish, vegetables and others.
My Nutrisi provides helpful information on how one can make a food item tastier as well as healthier at the same time. Apart from healthy food items, the website also provides information and recipes on different drinks like Hot Chocolates, Coconut Milk, Lime Juice etc.
My Nutrisi also makes sure that the readers get full understanding of the information available in the website about health benefits and to ensure that they allow their readers to clarify any query having in their mind. The experts of this website are ready to solve any query of the readers with proper answers and valid information.
My Nutrisi is a privately owned website and they always try to improve their service by taking reviews from readers and updating their website on regular basis. To get more information on health benefits of food items, visit:
About Company: My Nutrisi is an excellent platform that provides precious information on food items, health benefits of different food items and how to make healthiest recipe by using the healthy food items and more. The website also welcomes views, suggestions and criticism from the readers for betterment of the website.
Contact Details:
Author Name, : che Fadhilah
Business/Company Name, : [email protected]
Local Address, : MyNutrisi, Jalan Pasir Akar, Terengganu, 22000 Jerteh
Phone Number, : 09-697 1433
Company Mail id. : [email protected]
benefits of food
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