
“Manipulation” by James Edwards Informs Readers to Combat Emotionally Manipulative Behavior

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February 7th 2018 – “Manipulation: How to Recognize and Deal with Emotional Manipulation” is a unique new book by James Edwards that gives its readers some amazing insights on emotional manipulation. The book serves as a fabulous guide for people who have been or could be victims of textbook sociopaths who worm their ways into the lives of others just to prey on their turbulent emotions and general sense of insecurity. Written in comprehensive English, the book is quite easy to read and is definitely worth buying by sensitive naïve people who have had been through difficult relationships and who find it tough to perceive people for who they really are until circumstances show them how to do so.

The author refers to emotional manipulators are skilled liars who are capable of convincing others that what seems like an untruth is actually the truth. Such people play with the minds and hearts of individuals, making their entire existence about themselves rather than those who they only appear to care for. Sociopaths or emotional manipulators have some trademark characteristics that this book talks about, knowing about which can help people to identify sociopaths in their own inner or outer circles. The book teaches its readers how to recognize what emotionally manipulative behavior is like, how to avoid being emotionally manipulated and how to confront emotionally manipulative behavior in any form.

About James Edwards
James Edwards is an expert on the human psyche and personality who aims to educate his readers in detecting and understanding everything to do with manipulative behavior. His goal lies in keeping people from becoming victims of sociopaths who with their otherwise charming behavior and witty words can be the worst possible influence on those who care for them.

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Learn how to see through emotional vampires and keep them from turning your existence into a complete nightmare by reading “Manipulation: How to Recognize and Deal with Emotional Manipulation” by James Edwards.

url: Manipulation: How to Recognize and Deal with Emotional Manipulation

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