One of the hottest cosmetic tools out there is with out a doubt, the lip liner. Lip liners, which also go by the name of lip pencils, are used to take care of not so even regions at the outer portions of the lips once lip stick has already been applied. This offers the lips a much more perfect smoothness in shape. Another function of lip liners is to create an outline that holds lip stick in the lip areas while also helping to prevent the lip stick from bleeding. This helps the lips to be more noticeable and to stand out, while offering greater contrast. There are those that choose to use lip liner as a lip stick, and those who will apply lip stick only after applying full coverage with a lip liner.
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This versatile cosmetic tool is sold as a simple pencil that can be sharpened to your specifics, or it can be purchased is a retractable tube similar to that of a lip stick. These days lip liners are also being sold in as wide a varuety of colors as are lip sticks, and there are so many great options of shades to choose from. The physical composition of lip liners is similar to that of lip stick in that waxes and oils and pigments are used, however the liner usually is a more hardened and firm product so as to give the user greater control for the purposes of actually drawing color onto the lips as apposed to simply applying it. The product offers greater precision to the user for artistic results.
One interesting thing about lip liners, is the way people feel about the product. It really is one of those love hate items. Unlike lip stick, which has almost universal acceptance, lip liner has as many critics as it has fans. Seems as though society took an enormous disliking to the product during the 1980s, however as of late, the product seems to be making a come back, and as people become better at using the lip liner, the more acceptance it is gaining. We will have to see how it goes, but the way men and women use the product in it’s extremes has a tendency to turn people off in a way that lip stick never has.
As for over all history, lip liner as a tool is similar to gloss in that it became perpetuated in Hollywood. Clara Bow, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, were all Hollywood actresses that used lining of the lips as way to get across their own sexuality on screen. Of course when that happens, females from all around the world jump in to join in the use of such techniques. When used artistically lip liner is an incredibly sexy cosmetic devise that can attract the desired results in devastating fashion.
Whether you hate lip liner or love it, it is very much here to stay, and always in use even during those years when it seems to be mostly ignored. More will be said about in the future with further posting to this website.