Are you looking for a new and simpler way to help you earn some extra cash? Video marketing should be something that you need to consider. Video marketing basically involves making videos about different topics of interest such as sports, health and fitness or any other topic that you may deem interesting enough to capture the attention of your audience. However, there are some certain factors that you need to take into consideration so as to ensure your project becomes successful. Here are some few tips to guide you into successful video marketing to help you earn that extra buck.
Create An Opt-In Page
In order to strengthen your marketing campaign you need to create an opt-in page that will feature a short video of you. The video should be about 2 to 4 minutes long and should be done in a way that will help you identify an emotional trigger with your potential audience. It should aim at answering the questions that your prospect has about their day to day life experiences such as pain, self-improvement, money, relationship issues or any other strong passion they may have toward something. Create a video about your audience’s problem, show them that you identify with whatever that they may be going through and clearly explain how you can help them achieve their goals by opting in to your offer.
Create How To Videos
Secondly, create a series of “how to” videos. The first opt in page was for the purpose of getting prospect or in other words establishing a trustworthy relationship with your audience. The “how to” videos are meant to clearly illustrate to your audience the solutions to their problems. The video should give your audience clear guidelines on how to achieve their specific goals. You should use the videos to show your prospect that you empathize with them and you can help them get through whatever they are going through. By doing this you are able to stimulate the person’s hearing and sight which increases your chances of conversion.
Optimize Your Video
The third strategy that you need to work on is video optimization. This is similar to search engine optimization except that in this case the goal or aim is to optimize a video. This is necessary because it enables your video appear on search engines such as Google and YouTube. In order to do this you need to create a description of your video of about 200 to 500 words. Ensure that you make a captivating offer to your reader in the description.
Proper Keyword Research
Finally, you really need to focus on the right tags that you will use to ensure that your video is accessible when searched. Do a thorough and in-depth research on the tags that best fit the CatID that you wish to illustrate in your video. Use online keyword tools such as SKTool to find tags with the maximum number of searches and low competition. By doing this you can effectively get you videos listed in search engine pages even possibly ranked on the first page of Google helping you attract heavy traffic to your video and consequently boosting your chances of making money online.
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