Lobsters are commonly known as animals with an extra hard protective skeleton. Lobsters must shed their skin (moult) in order for them to grow. Lobsters are believed to have 10 walking limbs; wherein the front three pairs have claws, which vary in size. Like most other arthropods, lobsters are proportionally bilateral, although some generally have unequal specialized claws. Lobsters have blue blood (haemocyanin) and a green hepatopancrease, which acts as the animal’s pancreas and liver.
The General Characteristics of a Lobster
Large lobsters have a lifespan of approximately 60 years; however, determining their exact age seems to be difficult. Research suggests that lobsters may not slow down, weaken, or lose fertility with age and that older lobsters may be more fertile as compared to younger lobsters.
In addition, lobster claws evolve throughout their life. Extinct lobsters had claws that had an estimated 5% of the total body weight; on the other hand, the largest adult male lobsters carried about 50%of their weight in the claws.
Male lobsters grow larger claws than females once they attain sexual maturity. Sexually matured male lobsters possess huge crusher claws that attract their female counterparts. Lobster claws are uneven; during their growth, the crusher claw usually has a large, rounded, tooth on the outside. Inwardly, the closer muscle of the crusher has strong, slow-twitch muscle fibres that are able to sustain long, strong contractions. The fast lobster claw has an assortment of names, including:
The Composition of a Lobster Claw
This claw is described to have a ragged edge shape, with a thicket of sensory hairs lining the razor-sharp, pointed teeth. By the time a young lobster begins life, it has only two claws that are not yet developed into crushes and seizers. Initially, each claw has both fast and slow twitch muscle with a likelihood of the lobster becoming left or right handed. The Lobsters claw type is not genetically predictable. Instead, the claw is shaped during the preliminary phases of its life, depending on which claw is used the most by, the young lobster.
It is worth mentioning to note that if a lobster is deprived of residue in its early stages of life, claw separation does not take place and the lobster develops two seizers. By depriving little lobsters of residue, and stimulating either one of the claws on a daily basis, experimental researchers can cause the influenced claw to become dominant.
It is valuable to note that while scientists havent been able to create lobsters with two grinder claws, dual grinder lobsters do exist. Despite the fact that both claws bear a resemblance to grinders on the outer surface, they vary in muscle tissue composition. The real crusher claw has slow-twitch fibres in the closer muscle, while the other claw has few fast fibres and closes more swiftly. Once the claws have developed into crushers and seizers, the lobster adopts a right-or left-handed claw all through its life. Essentially, lobsters regenerate to replace the type of lost or worn out claws.
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