Designer handbags are lovely to look at but they are very, very expensive. Brands like Coach, Louis Vuitton, Dior and Chanel are great investments but the purchase price can easily be anywhere from $500 to about $3000 or more. What if we told you could find the same quality for less? Sachi bags are a brand that promised quality, style and convenience but at an affordable price.
Advantages of buying Cute Bags from Sachi handbags and totes
Cost — Designer bags are expensive. The cost covers the quality materials used in the bag and it also covers the brand name you are paying to be seen with. Sachi promises all that brand value and quality at an affordable cost. All Sachi handbags are comfortably priced in the $20 to about $1000 range.
Style — The Company has their own design team that carefully analyses current styles and trends. Currently, hobos and totes are very popular on the international catwalk and you will be able to find several colors, styles and fits in any price range. At present, the company creates multi-color jewel colored totes like the fuschia-colored Bling bag which is very good value for money at $22. For formal varieties, the Style 03-034 bag and the Style 120-103 bags are perfect. We recommend you check out their site regularly to see the latest trends and styles.
Varieties — Apart from office bags, the company also produces utility bags, picnic bags, wine totes, market totes and the special Kora line for their customers. This unique combination of bags means that you can literally buy every bag from the Sachi company within $200 or so. 1. The wine tote range is particularly famous for three layer-insulated interior. The bag is big enough for three wine bottles but you can also combine it with a market tote to make the perfect picnic basket. 2. The picnic carry all basket is also very pretty and super affordable. The basket is made from water-proof multi-colored canvas and backed up with a foam interior. The picnic bag already contains plates, cups, napkins, knives and saucers for two and there is enough space to put in extra items to suit your requirements. 3. The company has a special diamond-shaped food box that is ideal for office goers. The box is designed to keep food cool and chilled and it can fit into any of the Sachi bags that are on sale. 4. The Kora line is famous due to its attractive colors and most people use them as lunch bags. However, you can also use these bags as totes to office or as informal party bags. They are brightly colored and beautifully large.
Ordering — Sachi bags are only sold through the company website at Take a look at the SALE section to find really great bags that are 50% or 60% off for customers. Take the time to enlist with their newsletter and the company club and you will be kept updated about the latest styles and trends.
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