Abu Dhabi, UAE (19/5/2018) – On May 19, 2018, A letter of appreciation was delivered personally to Dr. Yaseen AlKamas by Mrs. Evelyne Wood, President of UniRef, an international humanitarian organization that strives to make higher education available for refugees.
Upon this letter, it was announced that Dr. AlKamas, a business professional and the COO of the Emirati corporation Al Badie Group, has accepted to join the Swiss organization’s team and become a member of their Steering Committee; UniRef’s ‘organ of dialogue and Steering on the development of the organization’s mission’.
Dr. Yaseen AlKamas’ acceptance means that he will be uniting efforts with about half a dozen colleagues on this committee and will be deploying his advanced education, career and multicultural experience in aiding the Swiss Organization on their quest in the Middle-East. “Naturally, your impressive personal and professional background covering an array of countries will be most valuable to our committeeâ€, this is how Philippe D. Monnier, the Steering Committee chairman, addressed Dr. Yaseen to express the committee’s sincere welcome.
It’s noteworthy that Dr. Yaseen AlKamas has previously collaborated with UniRef in a close manner during the organization’s latest project of launching a University Education Program for refugees in the Emirati-Jordanian camp in Jordan. Due to the project’s massive scale and intricacy, it needed the cooperation of various parties starting with UniRef, and extending to the Jordan Red Crescent and Isra University with major support provided by the Emirati investment leader Al Badie Group, whose COO is Dr. Al Kamas. Dr. Yaseen’s key role in liaising between the Geneva-based UniRef and the group’s management greatly contributed to the success of this humanitarian project. His role was praised by the founders of UniRef, Mrs. Yvelyne and Mr. Bryan R. Wood, on various occasions.
About Dr. Yaseen AlKamas:
Dr. Yaseen Al Kamas is the COO of Al-Badie Group of companies. In 1987, he got his Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautics Engineering from the University of Manchester, in 2002 he got his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering and later he added the CFA charter to his career.
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Dr. Yaseen Al Kamas, COO of Al Badie Group, accepts the invitation of UniRef, a Swiss international humanitarian organization, to become a member of their Steering Committee.
URL: Dr. Yaseen AlKamas