
Codomo Launches Potato Pirates the Coding Card Game on Kickstarter

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Singapore (September 26, 2017) – The Potato Pirates Game is launched as a card game by Codomo on Kickstarter. This game brings together potatoes, programming, and piracy. All these three things are combined in a carbo-loaded card game. The game is the ideal choice for a game night with friends, a family day and also for the classroom playing.

This game teaches anyone higher than 6 years of age to learn up to 10 hour’s worth of programming concepts just within 30 minutes. That too this is done without the help of a computer. The game can be played by a group of 3 to 6 players.

The game will have 7 potato king cards that are hidden at random in the deck of cards. The aim of the players is to be the first to collect all 7 potato king cards. They can do the same by frying, mashing and roasting other potato pirates. With the programming concepts like conditionals and loops, the players can power up their attacks. Alternatively, they should eliminate all the foes and should be the final potato pirate sailing to win the game.

About Potato Pirates Game:
This card game deck will have potato crew, ship cards, action cards, control cards, surprise cards and bug cards. This game will help players to become social.

For more information, please visit


For parents looking for the best card games that can instil programming skills in their kids, they can get the Potato Pirates Game. This game was successfully launched on Kickstarter by Codomo.

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