If youre new to the insurance industry and this is your first time investigating insurance plans for yourself, you probably have many questions. It might seem daunting to find cheap student insurance that suits your needs, but there are thousands of plans to choose from—several are likely to fit the bill! As you search for an optimum plan that fits your lifestyle and budget, you might want to keep these questions and their answers in mind as you move forward with your search process.
Why Do I Need Student Insurance?
Many parental healthcare plans stop coverage when the student reaches a certain age—sometimes by age 21; other plans might provide coverage until the student reaches the age of 26. If you are no longer covered under a parents plan, youll need to have student insurance. While universities generally have clinics on campus for basic healthcare needs, these facilities are finite in the scope of what they can provide. Students still need medical insurance for visiting outside doctors and, of course, hospitals should they need to. Moreover, many universities have requirements for students to stipulate their insurer and insurance plan at the time of enrollment.
How Cheap is Cheap Student Insurance?
Plans run the spectrum in terms of both coverage and cost. There are very affordable student insurance plans that may cost as little as $25 per month. On the other hand, find out about deductibles and co-payments. Paying more each month could mean you pay far less when medical services are provided. Also, if you cannot afford even the cheapest premiums you can find, financial assistance is an option. Contact an insurance exchange program to apply for assistance. You school may also be able to provide more information about financial aid and inexpensive student health insurance plans. You can visit this government website (healthcare.gov/contact-us/) for help with information regarding an insurance exchange that can help you.
Can I Keep My Preferred Healthcare Providers?
If you want to continue seeing your regular doctor, youll have to find a plan that includes them in their network or insurance that your doctor accepts. Talk to your physicians office staff or insurance specialist for information about accepted plans.
Will It Be Difficult to Obtain Insurance if I Have a Pre-Existing Condition?
The new healthcare reform laws have a great impact on this question. Yes, it is possible to find a good plan that will cover your pre-existing condition. However, often there is a waiting period before the new insurer will provide coverage with charges associated with this pre-existing condition. Talk to each provider to find out about how they provide coverage for pre-existing conditions before selecting a plan.
How Can I Find Cheap Student Insurance?
You can begin searching online for insurance plans, but as there are thousands, it makes sense to talk to your school about recommended plans as well as your parents, your parents insurance provider, and possibly even your friends and their families. Many people are likely to have good recommendations regarding affordable insurers. If you need further assistance, you can contact a new insurance exchange and discuss your needs with them. They may be able to advise you to select specific programs in your budget.
What Does a Typical Policy Cover?
Many policies cover preventative care as well as primary doctor visits and hospitalizations. That said, coverage can vary immensely so find out the ins and outs of each plan before you select one. If you are in good health and enjoy a healthy lifestyle, you may simply want to opt for a basic comprehensive coverage plan that you pay on each month. Keep in mind that dental and vision is typically not included in basic medical insurance; you would need separate or additional coverage for those.
What Else Should I Consider When Choosing an Insurance Plan?
Good customer service and an excellent track record are vital for an insurer. As a student, you wont want to waste time arguing with an insurer about coverage or their slow process for paying on claims. Choose a provider that has a good reputation for working with students and a plan that is easy to follow and understand.
Finding adequate insurance may seem daunting initially, but once you begin the process youll see that there are many suitable insurers offering optimum insurance plans. Remember to ask for help if you need it from the insurance exchanges or your school. Once you establish a plan, youll have the peace of mind of knowing youre covered if you get sick or hurt.
Sam Jones the author of this article recommends to his readers to use uSwitch.com website when looking to purchase cheap student insurance.
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