
Can A Person With DePuy Hip Implant Join Triathlon?

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Triathlon is fast becoming very popular worldwide as a sport, medical experts say, rising on the merits of the training over multi-sport deals with several health welfare providers. Because it remains largely an open territory, some hip replacement patients intends to get into the sport but are hesitant due to the development of complications.

One of the hip implants manufactured by DePuy Orthopeadic, a unit of Johnson & Johnson, is facing nowadays a dilemma. They are on trial because of the 10,000 lawsuits filed by their recipients, amid widespread claims that they were allegedly being implanted by a defective prosthesis. It triggered a Justice Department investigation into the J&J’s marketing of DePuy ASR hip systems.

Who would not be interested with getting into triathlon? Especially for those with newly hip implants and who have been inactive for several months recuperating from the surgery and may even gain weight while on post operation care? This sport is also considered a faster way of slimming down but in a hard yet fulfilling way.

When engaging into the sport, a person’s training sessions will include swimming, cycling and running because swim, bike and run are the three disciplines that involves in the physically challenging triathlon race.

These sessions will include exercises to help a person improve their stamina, speed and technique. Include lifting weights in the gym to help develop their body for all three disciplines. It will also encourage total body fitness. A person’s cardio fitness and muscular strength and endurance will improve as they complete regular training sessions.

As a person’s heart and lung functioning improves, a person working muscles will be supplied with oxygenated blood more quickly and will not get out of breath so soon. The person will also be able to keep complete longer distances or more training sets before he or she start to tire as her or his endurance levels progresses.

However, if the person is physically active individual whose hip osteoarthritis necessitated a hip replacement, he or she may wonder to what level of activity he or she can return following joint replacement surgery. While he or she can do many pain-free activities after hip replacement, unfortunately a triathlon may not be one of them. It is always being advised to consult with a doctor before resuming any activity following hip replacement surgery. This could be one of the factor that has frustrated some of the patients who used to be active prior to their hip replacement which was recalled in 2010 wherein Johnson and Johnson was able to collect 93,000 hip implants worldwide. For more related cases DePuy hip recall, check the DePuy Recall News Center at

Men and women, whose symptoms of hip osteoarthritis may have failed to respond to conventional treatment, may have hip replacement surgery as their only recourse. However, instead of providing relief, some hip devices have been reported to fail earlier than expected, causing injuries to a large number of recipients. The DePuy Recall News Center at offers extensive information about the potential health risks associated with all-metal hip replacement implants.

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