GLENDALE, AZ (April 28, 2018) – With decades of assiduous research on potential health concerns, experts at calcium supreme facilities have come up with a wide range of products that are designed to facilitate the consumers with apt nutrients and fulfil their Protein requirements. The first sets of products in the calcium supreme product line are Coral Calcium Supreme and Bob’s best Coral calcium 2000. They are 100% sterling ionized products, with coral reefs coming straight from Okinawa, Japan. Containing Vitamin-B, Trimethylglycine (TMG), SMP 44 Marine coral calcium; these products are one of the best in its class.
In addition to Coral calcium supreme and Bob’s best coral calcium 2000, Calcium Supreme also presents Bob’s best oxy supreme, Bob’s best Solarcal-D, Bob’s best Vitamin D3. In addition to the products mentioned in the catalogue, Calcium supreme aims to establish a household name for the company in the field of Health and wellness. The company lays a major emphasis on the quality of the products and both the existing and the new products are made up using the highest quality of ingredients.
For increasing the reach of the products to other markets as well, the company has set up an e-mail based infomercial in which all the information related to both the existing and new products will be sent through an e-mail. Speaking of increasing the reach of the products, the company is also excited to announce that it has started selling the products through its online website:
Calcium supreme also wants to tell its consumers that all the transactions done through the website are transmission encrypted and protected by a 128-bits encryption (the highest level that is commercially available). Any sensitive data related to the consumer will not be accessible to anyone through the internet or web to anyone. The company only releases any account information in the case of an exception, if the company comes to a conclusion that the release of the data is necessary as required by the legal authority then only the data is released by the company.
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Media Contact:
Ambassador Venture LLC
6 Firewood Drive
Holland, PA 18996
Calcium Supreme presents its latest series of products of calcium and whey protein supplements. It's an all-new series of products dedicated to physical health and wellness. It is the only brand of calcium supplement that has been formulated, endorsed and manufactured by leading health expert and Doctor Bob Barefoot.