It is usually a good idea for you to get insurance on anything that you buy or own. The common things that people get insurance on are their house, car, and other expensive purchases. Having insurance on your items means that if something happens that is out of your control you can get reimbursed the value of the item since it is covered.
In some cases your insurance claim might not go as smoothly as you would like. There are situations called bad faith insurance claims where the insurance company breaks their “good faith” implied relationship with the customers that insure their items through said company. A bad faith claim can be a real headache and cause you extra stress that you do not need in your life. If you are a victim of a bad faith claim you are going to need a Houston insurance lawyer to prove your case and help you get what you deserve.
First and Third Party Bad Faith
All bad faith claims fall into two different categories, either a first party claim or a third party claim. The difference between the two depends on what kind of behavior the insurance company followed that made their actions be legally considered in bad faith. Consider this example; say something terrible happens to your home and your insurance company plans on coming out and looking at it. Instead of them coming out in a timely fashion they take months on end to make an appearance, this is bad faith.
Another great example of a bad faith claim would be if your insurance company said that you were going to be reimbursed for some sort of damages and didn’t bother sending the money for a long period of time. If the insurance provider has all of the evidence they need to make their decision but still take a year to issue your money this would also be considered a bad faith case.
Third party bad faith claims come in a couple of different varieties and are still against the law. If an insurer does not settle with the insured one way or another is considered bad faith. They should not leave you in a situation where you really do not know what is going to happen next. If they fail to defend you and handle the case in a negligent manner this could also be grounds for a bad faith claim. An example of this would be if the insurer does not hire the proper staff to defend the person who is insured.
How a Houston Insurance Lawyer can Help
If you should find yourself in any of the above mentioned situations it is time for you to get some legal help. You are going to need a professional attorney who can help you get the recovery you are deserved. Bad faith cases happen more often than you like to think, so finding a Houston insurance lawyer who specializes in cases like this is your best bet.
When it is time for you to meet up with your lawyer you should be ready to explain what happened between you and the insurance company in full detail. Your lawyer will help you explore your courses of action and what would yield the best results all while happening in a timely fashion. You have waited long enough on the insurance companies, now it is time to get what you deserve.
The Houston insurance claim attorneys at Powers Law Firm handle a wide range of insurance bad faith claims. Click here to contact them today to discuss your case.
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