
An Electricity Calculator Can Help You Save Money Check Out These Apps Websites

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It seems there are more ways than ever before to save money on electricity. Using an electricity calculator, for instance, helps people budget and obtain an accurate picture of how they consume electricity. Once educated about their energy consumption, people can begin to make changes to conserve their electricity use and save money on electricity costs each month. These calculators can even make excellent estimates on the energy consumption of specific appliances. By checking into and trying the following electricity calculators through websites and apps, youll likely find one that is right for you and may begin learning more about your electricity use.

Saving Electricity
Whats great about this website is that it not only provides an electricity calculator—it explains the various aspects of calculating. It provides lots of tips and information that consumers need to be accurate about the hours an appliance runs, for instance. Calculating the wrong number of hours the dishwasher typically runs will give a wildly inaccurate picture of its electricity usage. It links to essential information such as how people can measure a devices usage themselves and not simply provide an estimate; doing so gives them the most accurate data.

The provided calculator on the Saving Electricity site is fairly simple to use, but its really all the added information on the page that will walk consumers through the calculating process. The charts and graphs for specific types of appliances are convenient to scroll through and the various strategies listed—easy to aggressive strategies—are designed to help people minimize their use of appliances. While there are plenty of electricity calculators online, this one comes with a lot of useful information.

Electricity Calculator
Android App
As far as apps go, this one is simple and allows you accurately calculate electricity charges. Users can calculate any electric device to find out what it costs to run. Whats most wonderful about this free app, however, is that it lets users compare items which can help consumers make better decisions about the way they use electricity. Another handy feature is that the app will even send all the data produced by a calculation to the users email. Since its free and convenient to use, its well worth a try. Most consumers find it answers their needs.

This app currently costs 4.99—but youll recoup that charge in the cost savings youll achieve by using this fabulous app. According to CNET, “Verde is an iPad app that has you tally up the electrical appliances in your home, from your refrigerator and HDTV to iPods and light bulbs” ( After downloading the app, it prompts users to select their climate zone. Based on the provided information, the app will calculate an estimate for electricity costs or users may enter more detailed information to achieve more specific data.

The app essentially lets people inventory all their electricity-dependent items and generates not only a usage and cost report, but also several ways people can “reduce their footprint” and decrease their energy usage so that, ultimately, they can also pay less money for electricity. One of the best features about the app is that its final report is all about dollars and cents and shows people how much adjusting their lights could save them. Armed with such practical information, consumers have a much better chance at reducing their energy spending.

Energy Consumption Analyzer
Android App
According to the apps information, it
“calculates the average normalized rate of consumption per hour, day, week, or month (between two readings) and draws a graph showing the consumption rate over time. The total amount of actually used energy during each day, week, month, or quarter is displayed as a bar graph or table. If the average cost per unit is provided, the graphs can also show the amount of money instead of energy.”
Sometimes energy calculators get criticized for having various issues—tendency toward inaccuracy or technical bugs, but this app has gotten good reviews and many users find it to be a highly useful calculator.

iPhone and iPad
This handy app can calculate electricity costs per day, per week, per month, and per year. Users can find out how much a particular appliance is actually costing them—or at least a very accurate estimate. There is some manual input, of course, but the convenience factor of this app is decent and the data appears to be solid. As far as electricity calculators go, this app is a fine choice and has been generating data for people since it was release in 2010.

More Information about How Electricity Calculators Help Consumers
For an accurate look at why these energy calculators are so effective, visit this website:

The website provides lots of examples which will really get through to people just how this specific electricity data regarding appliance usage can help them save money and conserve energy. It provides a breakdown of data and explains how much a window fan, for instance, is likely to cost a homeowner around $10 to run for a year. Another example estimates a computer and monitors cost for a year at $43 for the year. Naturally, these are estimates, but showing users how watts add up to dollars is eye-opening and will probably inspire plenty of people to make positive changes in their energy consumption.

Doing Something with the Data
Employing the data obtained from these useful websites and apps is what is going to prompt consumers to make better energy decisions. Seeing how much that old refrigerator is costing each year could lead to the purchase of a far more energy efficient appliance that will save the consumer money in the long run. People dont usually think twice about the coffee maker, the porch light, the patio lighting, or the microwave; yet, by thinking about these things and using them more deliberately and when their use is truly warranted, people will conserve energy. While being more eco-friendly theyll also save money.

Author Sam Jones advises people looking for cheap electricity deals to head to energy comparison website where the online price checker makes securing a better deal really easy

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