For Immediate Release
soalan peperiksaan, 31 January, 2018: Cikgy Ayu, an excellent website about soalan peperiksaan, welcomes its users to read, use and share their exam materials in different social media platforms to make the exam resources available to more and more readers possible.
Cikgu Ayu is a privately owned business which is especially designed for teachers, parents and students who are looking for exam references such as previous year’s question papers, peperiksaan awal tahun and other study materials.
Here in this platform people will find relevant information on different exams including Physical Education, Islamic education, English, Mathematics, Science, Visual Arts and many other subjects. If someone is looking for a particular soalan peperiksaan material, they can simply search their desired exam topic on the search bar given on the website to get their required topic very easily & quickly.
Cikgy Ayu provides soalan peperiksaan for peperiksaan awal tahun, peperiksaan akhir tahun and initial exams of previous years that teachers and students can easily use for their reference. The exam materials available on this website are easily downloadable in PDF format and are absolutely free. One can also share these materials in Facebook to allow others to use them for their exam or other needs.
Cikgy Ayu also welcomes their users to post any suggestions, views and criticism about their website, material and descriptions to make their website more useful and valuable with proper descriptions. The platform also claims to help their users by answering any query they are having about the soalan peperiksaan and other descriptions of the website. To get more information about soalan peperiksaan, visit:
About Company: Cikgy Ayu is an excellent platform where teachers, parents and students can find exam materials on different subjects including Mathematics, English, Physical Education, Science and many more.
Contact Details:
Author Name, : Cikgu Ayu Kayla Marissa
Business/Company Name, : cikguayu ENterprise
Local Address, : C139, Taman Sri Aman, 16805
Phone Number, : 09 7843918
Company Mail id. : [email protected]
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