
26658A complete guide to neoprene swimsuit

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Different types of swimwear including wetsuits are available for different water activities. Wetsuits can be used for wind surfing, rafting, kite surfing as well as for swimming. There are wetsuits that are specifically designed for scuba diving. When you go surfing, you allow your body to do an unlimited range of movements. You spend long hours in cold water, so wetsuits become an important part of surfing. Before you invest money in buying swimwear, take a look at the guide given below.

About neoprene

Most of the ladies swimwear in UK are made of neoprene. Neoprene is a synthetic rubber material and comes with different properties such as it acts as a good insulator because it has micro cells trapped inside the material. Air or nitrogen gas is filled inside these cells. Some people are allergic to neoprene due to the Ethylene Thiourea present in it. But there is always an alternative. Nowadays, the eco-friendly version of limestone-based neoprene material known as the Geoprene are readily available in the market. This Geoprene has the ability to absorb less water, keep you warmer for a long time.

Different types of neoprene wetsuits

Neoprene wetsuits are broadly classified depending on which body parts it covers. Some of them are discussed below.

•Full suit: As the name suggests, this type of wetsuit usually covers your body, your arms and wrists including your legs and ankles. Some of the full suits come with an integrated hood which can possibly cover your head.

•Shorty: The Shorty type neoprene wetsuit aims at covering the body and the upper parts of your arms and legs.

•Spring suit: These are most common type neoprene. They come in different combination. For example, there are spring suits that cover the body including your legs and upper arms. Whereas some spring suits cover only the upper part of your legs and the arms.

•Top: This type of neoprene only covers the upper part of your body.

Features of neoprene wetsuit

•Warmth: Sometimes it gets really cold. This is the time when your wetsuit cannot provide you enough warmth so need neoprene hoods and gloves to escape the cold.

•Flexibility: It of no use if you are not comfortable in your wetsuit. Your wetsuit should provide the freedom of flexibility. Sometimes even the thinnest material can make it harder to move and the thicker one tends to suck the energy out of you. So the neoprene manufacturing companies make the swimsuits in such a way that they provide warmth without being thick as well as provide flexibility without being too thin.

•Thickness: The thickness of neoprene allows a better insulation between the body and the environment. For example, a 3/2 thick neoprene is 3 millimetres on the body and legs whereas it is 2 millimetres on arms. In this way, the variable thickness ensures easier movement. Less is the thickness, more is the insulation capability when the pressure inside the water increases during scuba diving.

Neoprene stitches

Cold water always finds a way to enter your wetsuit. So always try to find the correct size of swimsuit for you in order to avoid flushing. Neoprene stitches are very important. Needles can create holes in the neoprene and makes way for the water and wind to get in. Some of the stitches are the over-lock stitch, flat-lock stitch, blind stitch, liquid taping, etc.

So if you are planning to buy a ladies swimwear UK , always go for the neoprene swimsuit . They not only provide warmth and flexibility but also come in different shapes and sizes that can easily fit your body.

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