
How to Turn on WiFi hotspot on Mobile

1 Min Read

A wifi hotspot is a wireless internet connection field in a fixed area. It can be created by Router, PC, and mobile. To make a mobile wifi hotspot, the mobile must have to be a smartphone. Because this is a built in feature of every smartphone. You can share your mobile internet connection with other devices like phone, PC, Laptop etc. by activating this. Now I’m going to show you how to create a wifi hotspot by a mobile.

WiFi Hotspot | How to turn on it on Android mobile

To create a mobile wifi hotspot, you just need a smartphone. You can start mobile wifi just activating the android smartphone portable wifi hotspot feature. How to do this? Just move follow my steps.

Settings > Wireless and Networks > Tethering & portable hotspot > Turn it on

WiFi Hotspot | How to turn on it on iPhone

Mobile wifi hotspot is also turnable in iPhone. To make your iPhone as a wifi hotspot, follow the below steps I’m going to show you.

Settings > Cellular > Personal Hotspot > Turn it on.

You have to set a password to turn the wifi hotspot. You can change your wifi hotspot password. To change it go to Settings >Cellular > Personal Hotspot. Then tap on the WiFi password.

WiFi Hotspot | How to turn on it on Windows Phone

Are you using a windows phone?
Don’t worry. There is also a built in feature in your windows phone for sharing your data connection with other devices. To turn the wifi hotspot, follow the below steps.

Settings > Internet sharing > Share Over > WiFi > Set Sharing to On.

To see all the steps in picture click on how to turn on wifi hotspot.

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