NOVA Acoustics Ltd provides professional sound insulation testing for residential and commercial properties.
We take many building regulations for granted, without realizing how beneficial they are for us. If you live in a house in which you share a wall, or if you live in an apartment complex, you probably know how important is the sound isolation. You just do not want to hear everything your neighbours are talking. Furthermore, in your own home, you want to be have ultimate privacy, including sound isolation. For this reason, the UK government has developed a list of rules that constructors must comply. These are the Part E Building Regulations, they require for every building erected after the regulations came into force, to perform an acoustic test. This sound testing requires special equipment and technicians that can assess in great detail if the building is noise isolated according to the rules.
NOVA Acoustics Ltd offers high-quality accosting testing using state-of-art equipment. The sound testing is required if you want to live in a home that is protected from external sources of noise, such as road traffic, industrial estates. During an acoustic testing, NOVA Acoustics Ltd will perform 3 tests, 2 airborne wall tests, 2 airborne floor tests and 2 impact tests, but first you must see if your establishment is ready to be tested. The windows and all the doors must be already installed, also the ventilation and walls work should be finished. There are also other factors that you must consider before hiring NOVA Acoustics Ltd to perform a sound insulation testing. You can check these criteria on their website. Impact testing will simulate that footsteps of the neighbours, while airborne, the noise that passes various separate walls. NOVA Acoustics Ltd also provides one of the lowest fees of acoustic testing on the market, and if the sound test fails, you will only have to pay for the “site feeâ€. Moreover, if the sound testing fails, the technicians will provide free professional advice on what you must do to deal with all the issues.
If you want to hire the best sound insulation professional in the UK, then NOVA Acoustics Ltd is the right company for you.
About NOVA Acoustics Ltd:
NOVA Acoustics Ltd is a company that performs a wide variety of sound testing for various instances, such as noise surveys, noise at work, sound testing for building regulations and many more.
Company Name: NOVA Acoustics Ltd
Address: Suite 13 Crownhouse, 94 Armley Road, Leeds, LS12 2EJ, UK
Phone: 0113 322 7977
Email: [email protected]
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