As a business owner, if you like to keep total control over your business, or if you believe that no one in the world is going to operate that business as well as you do, then you should probably not franchise. You should probably not even expand to any extent, even with company-owned units. You are probably better off staying as you are. Or, if you expect franchising to be an easy, quick way to untold riches, you may also be disappointed. Some people we talk to say they want to be as big as McDonald’s or bigger. Yet, after a little probing, it’s apparent that they have little understanding of the financial, operational, infrastructure, marketing, and overall expansion realities.
Let’s face it. Some of us are just not destined to be Number 1 in our class. That doesn’t mean that with more realistic expectations we can’t be extremely successful. At our Francorp offices in Chicago, we get thousands of calls from people who want to franchise their businesses. But when some who come in for a meeting talk about getting rich quick and having thousands of units, we press a secret button opening a trap door that drops them twenty floors to their death in the alligator pit. Although we have exaggerated a bit and don’t really have an alligator pit or a trap door, sometimes we wish we did. The truth is, just as in your business, there is no secret get rich quick scheme.
In franchising, as in every other endeavor, hard work and talent propel you ahead. “Techies” who lack marketing or people skills or others who are good at giving orders but not well at teaching are not going to succeed in franchising. “Superstars” and “loners” don’t work well in franchising. Your success in franchising will be related more as to how good a coach you are than how good a player you are. In short, franchising can offer a wonderful opportunity to the right person with the right business.
Francorp® Middle East is the largest Franchise Consulting firm in the MENA region. Being a renowned franchise company established in the US, Francorp Middle East provides franchise opportunities to companies with their comprehensive franchising resources including but not limited to Franchise Program Development, Strategic Planning, Legal Services, Franchise Operations Manual, Franchise Marketing and Sales Training through the seamless and coordinated efforts of an in-house team of expert Franchise Consultants. Over the years, Francorp has assisted more than 14,000 companies plan for expansion and to open new franchise through franchise business concept and have developed more than 4000 full franchise program including coffee shop franchise in Dubai and the UAE.
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