
Fix that Sagging Floor

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Bathrooms, kitchens and much larger rooms with a square foot of three hundred or more are usually the first areas to show signs of sagging. If your house is above a crawl space then you may need to call a restumping specialist. Most companies, who will do a house raising and restumping service call, will usually do a house restumping inspection before giving you their estimate.In fact,it would be a good idea to have another house restumping inspection from another company gives you their assessment before making your final decision.

Bathrooms are usually the first areas where the floor joists start to bend and sag.With the weight of the tub/shower, toilet and sink, in such a small area, (then add the weight of the water) the floors will start to bow downward. Although you are in no particular danger, even after noticing the sag in the floor, (unless its caused by water damage), immediate attention should be required.

House raising and floor jacking can become a nightmare if not done the proper way.There is a strict and a quite delicate procedure to follow when you are about to lift a house or jack up a floor.If you are not careful you may cause more damage or may even cause an injury.

Floor jacking can help with that door that will not shut; a window that does not open and finally fix that crack in a wall that constantly needs repairing once and for all.

House raising and restumping companies may offer services such as floor jacking. Floor jacking can take sometimes up to two months to finally complete.Jacking a floor up should never be rushed.

When the house raising begins, you will be able to hear the cracking and popping of the floor joists, roof beams, and barrier walls. This is normal, however, having an inspector come look at the foundation after the floor jacking and before any more construction continues.

Caring for Steel Posts

Steel posts are commonly used after a floor has been jacked up. When a steel post is buried in the ground and covered with cement, a chemical reaction happens with the lime in the cement and the steel. When water is added, corrosion develops and will eventually corrode away the steel completely. To prevent this from happening, a generous amount of enamel must be applied to steel that is going to be buried. Then after it dries, a thick layer of tar is applied over the enamel.

Queensland House Restumping is a house raising and restumping service firm that operates in Brisbane and Ipswich. The company offers house raising gold coast services including house raising Brisbane for both residential and commercial properties.

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