
The online seller Lvgoldsale would tell you the history of LV

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We all know LV which is the famous luxury brand for women. But do you know the history and the original of the LV? Today, the online seller would give you some information about the LV history. The is the professional outlet discount store for LV women bags and LV leather belts. The Louis Vuitton which is the so called LV was founded in 1854 and now it is part of the LV Group French which is specialized in the post-production high luxury items. The founder of the LV group is Louis Vuitton himself.

MR Louis Vuitton had created a flat leather case and opened the first shop in Paris. It was just Like today that his design had soon be copied and flat square suitcase had become the fashion trend at that time. The first LV luggage had been equipped with the gray canvas veneer. In 1896, Louis Vuitton’s son whose name was George had used the abbreviated name of his father of L and V with the flower pattern. This design has become the most famous logo of the LV enterprise and the LV items such as the LV women bags and LV leather belts.

The website has told us that from the initial design to present, the unique pattern of the LV logo on canvas bag along with a wealth of legendary and elegant design which has become the fashion classic. Over the past 100 years, the world has experienced many changes and the people’s pursuits and aesthetic concepts have also been changed. But the reputation of the LV has kept its unparalleled charm. The LV products such as the LV women bags and LV leather belts have been chased by the luxury buyers forever.?

In February 1998, the world’s first flagship store of LV had been opened in Paris then the second had also been opened at London Bond Street. In August and September of the same year, the third and fourth flagship store has been opened in Osaka, Japan and New York. The business scope of each store had included LV traditional luggage series, LV clothes and shoes for men and women.

In 1999, the LV had opened a flagship store in the central Hong Kong. This flagship store has covered two floors which the total room is about 6,600 square meters. The store had offered the quality leather goods of LV, luggage, travel bags, leather handbags, small leather goods and other LV leather wallets for sale and LV leather belts. The LV has also provided the private leather goods services.

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