
Keeping Kids Safe – What to Do When You Need Child Custody Help

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Nobody wants to go to war over figuring out the custody rights of their kids. When you first have your baby, it isn’t typical to see yourself one day across from the other parent of the baby fighting in front of a judge over custody or visitation right of your child (or children). Nobody really wants this to take place. However, it is at times a necessity. Whether you need child custody help because you and your spouse are splitting up and you want to make sure you understand your options or this is your fifth time in front of a judge because you’re desperate to get sole custody of your son or daughter, it can’t hurt to ask for child custody help.

Honesty is always the best policy. You will receive lots of questions during your pursuit of child custody. A judge or a mediator will have even more questions if your case goes before one of them before you reach an agreement. The truth, then, is imperative. When giving your answers don’t lie or even exaggerate You should resist the temptation to make your self look better or the other parent worse by embellishing your story. Being honest and straightforward and dealing in facts is best, especially if you are trying to get more time with your kids. Your case will suffer if any lies or manipulation on your part are discovered, and in most cases it is. Have you thought about joint custody? There are a number of ways to arrange for joint custody. Some will split the parent’s time half and half. Some are arranged so that one parent has the kids the majority of the time and the other parent sees the kids periodically. Unless your kids are in immediate danger from their other parent, a judge will want you to at least think about joint custody. When you are asking for child custody help, you need to be prepared to at least explore the idea.

By now you know your children well enough to know they have opinions and feelings too. One of the biggest failures when people seek child custody help is failing to talk to their kids. Most parents forget the kids need a say too. When your kids are very young, this is good. On the other hand when they reach an age of opinion it is a good idea to ask for it even if you don’t want to know the answer. Even as early as age 4 or 5 children can be very opinionated about whom they choose to spend the bulk of their time with. The judge may even want to hear from the kids.

Without even getting the law involved, there are many reasons to pursue child custody. As in everything, the more you know, the better chance of success you have. Learning your local laws is a really good place to start. You have to prove your case to win it. Don’t’ forget, though, that helping your children have the best life possible is the goal here.

Regardless of the outcome, your focus should be on making sure your children are cared for, healthy and happy.The writer has been working with children caught in child custody cases. To get more on details relevant to child custody take a look at our site. or win child custody|Children face problems because of child custody battles. Check out our site for more info – This article is copyright protected.