
312025 Ways to Get Your Sexual Energy Flowing

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Lack of sexual energy is one of the biggest passion killers of our modern lives. In a world that’s ever more demanding and challenging, we need to be super heroes to keep up the pace of work, family, and a smoking hot sex life. Want to know how to get more energy so you’re able to show up both physically and emotionally between the sheets? The answers are simpler than you think.

Tip 1: Walk More

Told you it was simple. Walking is as important to human life as water (and if you can combine them both there’s probably no need for you to read any further!). It’s the simplest form of exercise there is, but its benefits are manifold. There’s plenty of hype around the requisite “10,000 steps” required for our physical health, but the more you walk the more benefits you’ll reap. You’ll get fitter, feel better, enjoy the fresh air and sunshine (hopefully), sleep better and have infinitely more vigour. And, the best news is that all that goodness and vitality can’t help but spill over into the bedroom.

Tip 2: Sit Less

Start now: stand up while you’re reading this and you’ll be doing your sex life a favour!
Spending too much time on your pretty posterior plays havoc not only with the skeletal system, but also your energy and metabolism – and that’s a problem for a healthy sex life. Sitting less is so much easier than you think, though, and all it takes is a small commitment to stepping away from your desk (or the sofa) at regular intervals and going for a two-minute walk around the office or house. By the way, standing desks are the new black, so get fashionable and get on your feet!

Tip 3: Just Squat

For this one you’ll need to rejig your psyche and look at squats as friend not foe. Yes, they take strength and can be a little tough, but their benefits far outweigh the effort – and if you’re looking for how to get more energy in the bedroom, making regular squats a part of your day is an amazingly effective way of doing it. When you squat, it not only opens up the pelvic area, it also has a positive effect on your internal organs and encourages the production of healthy hormones. Take a squat break every hour (10 safe air squats where your your core muscles are fully engaged) and you’ll feel instantly energised.

Tip 4: Hug and Be Hugged

This one is so super simple it barely needs explanation. But if you’re looking for the science behind good sexual energy, here it comes. When you hug someone (even a pet) your body releases a hormone called oxytocin, which has a hugely positive effect on pain relief, weight loss, depression and stress. So, give good hug and you’ll have better sex!

Tip 5: Meditation, But Not As You Know It

If you’re looking for a more beautiful and fulfilling solution to how to get more energy and intimacy in sex then you should consider orgasmic meditation. This partnered consciousness practice nurtures sexual energy by combining the power of meditation with the experience of orgasm, to create a truly deep connection that extends far beyond the sexual act.

The Need to Nurture

Home truth: we can’t have it all. The human body just isn’t built for the pressures we continuously place it under, and if we don’t pay attention to the important things something, inevitably, has to give. We all know our physical and mental health is our greatest asset, and sex is one of the best ways to nurture our mind, body and spirit. The good new is that when you’re looking for tips on how to get more energy flowing in the bedroom, you don’t have to look any further than yourself.

Juliette Karaman-van Schaardenburg is a director at TurnOn Britain and a qualified OneTaste coach and Orgasmic Meditation trainer. She works with both couples and singles, teaching them specialised techniques and tips on how to get more energy in the bedroom, and aid in recovery from trauma by tuning into their body and intuition.

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